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Optional Non-Academic Competition   
Registration Deadline February 14, 2025.

AIHEC Volleyball Competition Objectives: 

  • Strengthen existing volleyball programs at TCUs and stimulate new interest in Volleyball. 

  • Showcase talent and skills. 

This form shall be submitted by February 14, 2025.




Official AIHEC Volleyball Roster Registration Form 

This form shall be submitted by February 14, 2024.

Volleyball Rules

AIHEC Volleyball Competition Rules 

  • The net height is set at 8 feet. 

  • Only the team captains may address questions concerning a player, the game, or an official’s call. 

  • Non-athletic shoes and any item an official or coordinator feels may be a risk are not permitted to be worn during competition. 

  • A team consists of eight (8) players with no more than six (6) on the court during the game. A game may start with as little as only four (4) players (one (1) male and three (3) females). 

  • Free substitutions are allowed during dead-ball moments. 

  • A match is considered the best of three (3) games. 

  • The first two (2) games will be played to twenty-five (25) points each game, using rally scoring. The third game will be rallying scoring to fifteen (15) points. 

  • To win games, teams shall win by two (2) points or the first team to score thirty-one (31) points in the first and second game or twenty-one (21) points in the third and final game. 

  • At least two (2) males and two (2) females are required to start a match. There can never be more males than females on the court for a team. Teams can play with as many as four (4) females and two (2) males. 

  • Game time is grace time. A team that does not show up after fifteen (15) minutes will forfeit the match to the present team. 

  • Teams are provided one (1), sixty (60) seconds, team timeout per match. 

  • All rosters are final after the first game. 

  • Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. Awards will be given to only eight (8) players and one (1) coach per team. 

Vlleyball Guideline

Volleyball Competition Guidelines & Procedures:

  • The Volleyball coordinator is chosen by the host committee. The Volleyball coordinator will reserve at least one appropriately-sized gym with boundary lines marked for regulation Volleyball. 

  • The Volleyball coordinator will provide periodic updates to the host committee concerning registration numbers and the cost of the Volleyball supplies (nets and volleyballs). 

  • If enough resources (equipment, officials, gym-size, etc.) can be secured to play four (4) matches at once, then double elimination bracketing may occur. 

  • The Volleyball coordinator may use the proven rules from above and adjust as the need arises to adapt to the specific host location, participant-entry size, budget limitations, etc. 

  • The Volleyball coordinator might need to recruit ~ four (4) people (faculty, staff, or students) to assist with officiating, monitoring, scheduling, and on-site setup of the Volleyball courts in the gym. For two (2) matches to be played at once, two (2) people will be needed to officiate (one (1) per court) while four (4) people will be needed as line judges (two (2) per court). 

  • Depending on the budget available and the policies of the host committee colleges, the coordinator may wish to: charge an entry fee, hire professional officials, and/or hire an athletic trainer. 

  • Suggested Checklist of Materials to bring to the conference for two (2)-court, single elimination matches: two (2) eight (8) foot nets; four (4) Volleyballs, eight (8) small plastic cones to determine the back lines, large dry erase board to make a visible bracket, and the master spreadsheet of the registered students/teams. Officials will need whistles and line judges could use flags. 

  • Registration will be accepted up to the day before the Volleyball tournament. 

  • Enter registered students into a master spreadsheet by college/team to ease the checking in process at the conference. 

  • The coordinator arrives at the conference at least a day before the competition to setup the reserved gym for the Volleyball games with at least two (2) courts with two (2) nets and eight (8) cones for the four (4) backlines. 

  • The coordinator may also be an official and the mediator for the competition. 

  • The order of the starting bracket is setup randomly. 

  • Once the conference begins, the students are responsible for their own scheduling of other conference competitions. 

  • The Volleyball coordinator is responsible for reporting the winning teams to the awards’ banquet coordinator. 

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