2025 AIHEC
All exhibitors should complete the appropriate Booth Registration Application.
Exhibit Booth Information
The 2025 AIHEC Conference on Education will be offering exhibitor and vendor booth space. A schedule has been arranged to provide the best opportunities for public contact with conference participants and visitors. Booth space will be available at two locations, the large venue arena and the hallway venue at Ramkota Hotel & Convention Center.
Large Venue
Exhibitors representing AIHEC colleges (for informational and recruitment purposes), will be assigned spaces at the large venue location. Only the host TCUs will get free booth space.
Plans are for individual booths to be eight feet deep by ten feet wide, with backdrop and side draping. Each booth space will be furnished with one six-foot draped table and two chairs. The exhibitor must furnish any additional equipment. Any furniture or equipment provided by the conference that is missing at the event conclusion or moved out of the booth space will be charged to the exhibitor.
Hallway Venue
Plans are for one six-foot table and one chair for each exhibitor. Table banners and small tabletop displays are appropriate, large backdrop displays cannot be accommodated.
Additional Information
Minimum electrical service is available at any booth spaces.
Booths should be staffed at all times during events.
Conference sponsors and facilities are not responsible for stolen or damaged items from vendors.
All exhibitors requesting booth space must register in advance by February 28, 2025. Space will be assigned on a first-come basis.
All exhibitors should complete the appropriate Booth Registration Application.
OLC Business Office (605) 455-6145 for credit card payment.
For more information call Jonnie Clifford at (605) 455-6047.
Cindy Iron Cloud cironcloud@olc.edu