2025 AIHEC
Optional Competition
Registration Deadline February 14, 2025.
AIHEC One-Act Play Competition Objectives:
Showcase talent and skills in acting, artistic creativity, teamwork, public speaking, etc.
This form shall be submitted by February 14, 2025.
Kim Bettelyoun kim@olc.edu
AIHEC One-Act Play Competition Rules
The following will be considered by the judging panel:
Scholarship: students’ academic record as well as their pursuit of research, advanced studies, and intellectual development.
Culture: candidates’ cultural experiences, knowledge, and involvement within their college and community.
Personal Visions: future goals and personal expectations.
Community Service: service to their college and community
AIHEC Knowledge: understanding of AIHEC and the entire Tribal College Movement, history, and future development.
Presentation: speaking ability, personal talent, and overall personal presentation or story.
Required Materials:
Students applying for Mr., Ms., or Mx. AIHEC shall submit a headshot photo, an unofficial transcript, two (2) letters of recommendation, resume, and a personal statement. The personal statement should detail the student’s past challenges and accomplishments, their current activities and status, and the student’s goals and vision for the future.
i. Students shall be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours at their Tribal College, be in good academic standing, and have at least a 3.0 G.P.A to apply and retain the position of Mr., Ms., and Mx. AIHEC.
ii. Each Tribal College may only submit one (1) Mr. AIHEC, one (1) Ms. AIHEC, and one (1) Mx. AIHEC candidate.
i. All finalists shall be in attendance for an interview at the annual AIHEC Student Conference.
ii. The new Mr., Ms., and Mx.. AIHEC will be announced during the annual AIHEC Student Conference awards’ banquet.
One-Act Play Competition Guidelines & Procedures:
Each TCU may select and write a One-Act Play. If the script is not a TCU original, then all copyright issues will be the responsibility of that TCU team.
Costumes are allowed and are considered to be the character attire worn by players. Masks are considered part of the costume and are allowed.
Props are allowed; however, they shall be actively utilized by characters during the performance.
Each team is allotted a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to prepare and a maximum of thirty (30) minutes to perform. The minimum time limit for a TCU One-Act Play is thirteen (13) minutes.
TCU students shall naturally project their voice during the performance as no microphones or public address system will be provided.
Coaches cannot be judges.
No videotaping or photos and no entry or exit during the performance.
TCUs may register more than one (1) team but shall not register more than two (2) teams.
There are two (2) rounds for the One-Act Play Competition. All teams will initially be present in the first round. The three (3) teams with the highest score from the first round will advance to the second round to repeat their performance for placing. Judges will change from the first round to the second round. This will occur even if there are only two (2) or three (3) competing teams. Since a TCU may have more than one (1) team, but no more than two (2) teams, in the One-Act Play Competition, the first, second, or third place may be won by the same Tribal College, but a TCU may not win all three (3) places.
Since there may be respected Elders, tribal leadership, TCU administration, faculty, and family members in attendance, subject matter/material/language should to be in accord with the sensitivity of these viewers. Producing TCUs are responsible for content judgment.
Monologues are allowed and are subjected to the same rules.
Integrating singing/music/choreography is strongly encouraged; however, a song, dance, or musical instrument performance only with no dialogue, acting, plot, etc. does not constitute a One-Act Play, and therefore does not qualify for this competition.
udges are not allowed to inquire about the TCU identity of each team. Only the One-Act
Students are not allowed to announce their personal names, nor the TCU name after the company bows.
Judges, coaches, and students are allowed to announce, inform all persons of the title(s) of the performance(s).
The first day of the Student Conference will be an optional rehearsal day for the teams. Each team will be allotted one (1) hour to practice, and the practice may be a closed rehearsal if requested. The coordinator may lead workshops in voice, blocking, stage movement, etc.
The order and times of the performances will be determined randomly and then posted by title. Accompanying the title, order and times of the performances will be a randomly assigned number to indicate the TCU. If a TCU has more than one (1) submission, each submission will have a different assigned random number.
Teams will be disqualified if they arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes late for their performances. If any cast member is late, the team may choose to continue with their performance. Teams should arrive at least thirty (30) minutes prior to performing as seated, respectful audience members.
The stage for the One-Act Play competition is sixteen by twelve (16 x 12) feet or larger.