2025 AIHEC
Required Non-Academic Competition
Registration Deadline February 14, 2025.
AIHEC Archery Competition Objectives:
Reinforce a refined cultural activity with rich American Indian history.
Strengthen existing archery programs at TCUs and stimulate new interest in the sport.
Showcase talent and skills.
This form shall be submitted by February 14, 2025.
Jeremiah Moreno jmoreno@olc.edu
Steve Her Many Horses steve.hermanyhorses@sintegleska.edu
AIHEC Archery Competition Rules:
The only permitted bows are Traditional bows (re-curve, long bow, etc.); no compounds or sights.
Bows and arrows will not be provided onsite.
Each team shall have at least one (1) coach that will attest to knowledge of the rules.
Teams shall have four (4) shooters to qualify for Men’s and Women’s team awards. There will also be Men and Women Individual high score awards. If a college does not have four (4) men or four (4) women to complete, there can be an option for a team with a mixture of men and women to be a four (4) person team and compete in the Men’s category.
A college that has less than a four (4) person team shall have three (3) or less archers compete in the individual Men’s or Women’s bracket.
Registration forms shall be submitted to the archery coordinator one week prior to the coach’s meeting the evening before the competition.
Line Infractions: In each round, first time line violations will get a warning and the second time, a disqualification.
There will be a practice time thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of shooting. Once the competition starts archers will begin to shoot.
Depending on the site and the year, each archer will only shoot a certain number of arrows per target. Shooters can only place the number of arrows in their quiver that are needed for each shot. Each shooter needs to bring their own traditional bow and five to ten (5-10) arrows. All arrows should be marked by individual archers with initials. The maximum diameter of an arrow shaft will not exceed 9.3mm.
Scoring: ten (10) points for bull’s-eye and inner ring, eight (8) for outer ring, and five (5) for body. When an arrow is on the borderline, a judge should be consulted, and the higher score will be awarded.
Each shooter will be paired with another shooter from a different team, and they will be responsible for filling out each other’s score card. There will be judges available to answer any questions/settle disputes.
Scores from each round will be combined for an Overall Score.
All scorecards shall have the shooter’s name and school affiliation printed neatly and shall be signed by the shooter.
Teams will shoot according to the schedule, please arrive at least fifteen (15) minutes in advance.
There are two (2) rounds of shooting on two (2) separate days and all shooters shall shoot both days. Scheduling conflicts are to be mentioned and worked out at the coach’s meeting. An individual round involves an archer to shoot three (3) arrows, ten (10) ends to equal a thirty (30) arrow round. A perfect score is three hundred (300). The max number of arrows to be fired per individual contestant is 60.
There will be a coach’s meeting the evening prior to the start of the competition; every coach shall be present at the meeting to check in their teams.
Team competition: Teams are seeded based on the four scores in from the individual round of predetermined Men’s and Women’s team roster. The coach must designate the four (4) archers who will officially represent the team before the official practice starts on the first day of competition. The bracket will be completed using this seeding method. The highest combined score from the four (4) archers will receive the first seed.
The team round is an elimination round.
Each team member will shoot one (1) arrow, one after another until all four archers have shot.
Each match will have twelve (12) arrows scored until three (3) rounds are achieved.
The team with the highest combined score will move into the next bracket.
This format continues until only a winning team remains.
AIHEC Archery Competition Guidelines & Procedures:
The archery coordinator is chosen by the host committee. The archery coordinator will reserve or rent out an appropriately-sized, local archery range nearby the student conference.
The archery coordinator will provide periodic updates to the host committee concerning registration numbers and the cost of the archery range.
The archery coordinator may use the proven rules from above and make adjustments as the need arises to adapt to the specific host location and range, participant-entry size, budget limitations, etc.
The archery coordinator will need to recruit ~five to ten (5-10) people (faculty, staff, or students) to assist with judging, safety, onsite scheduling and registration and on-site setup at the conference range.
Suggested Checklist of Materials to bring to the conference: Score cards for each participant; master spreadsheet of the registered students; the master schedule for the competition; and as many extra arrows, bows, and targets as possible. A first-aid kit with bandages.
An offsite, local archery range will need to be rented out for at least two (2) days. A site with animal targets is preferred. All targets should be unmarked whether 3-D or target with a maximum distance. There should be some language distinctions between 3-D targets and face targets.
Have a firm registration deadline. Postmarked, faxed, emailed, etc. at least seven (7) days before the start of the conference. No exceptions.
Enter registered students into a master spreadsheet by college/coach and then by team to ease the checking in process at the conference.
The coordinator arrives at the conference at least a day before the competition to host a coach’s meeting in the evening to check in the teams and confirm the schedule based on any changes with other competitions.
There shall be at least two (2) floating judges besides the archery coordinator. Both judges will act as line-judges, spot-judges, and monitor and enforce range safety. There will be distinct lines for shooting line, waiting line and spectator lines. Line judges will be present during all sessions. No tape measures or rangefinders allowed. No earphones at shooting line.
Once the conference begins, the coordinator is responsible for all logistics including any rolling changes in the participant scheduling due to other competitions, managing the turns for the ten-twenty (10-20) shooting lanes at the range, tracking all the scoring, and working with the range owner or manager.
It would be helpful for the coordinator to include the specific details of the competition (based on the limitations of the range) such as the type of targets and number of arrows needed per round.
All competition bows and arrows need to be inspected before archers are allowed to compete.
The coordinator collects all the score cards and determines the winner for each category: Men’s Team, Women’s Team, Men’s Individual, and Woman’s Individual. The winners are reported by the host coordinator to the awards banquet coordinator.
If a college cannot assemble four (4) men or four (4) women for a team, the coordinator can decide to permit a mixed team of four (4) men or women to compete in the Men’s Team category.